20 minutes with a business consultant:



give me


20 minutes
with a business consultant:



give me


Take advantage of my over 20 years of real experience in growing businesses,
of my curiosity and openness to new challenges.

Take advantage of my over 20 years of real experience in growing businesses, of my curiosity and openness to new challenges.

I am a ICF Romania member, graduate of the ICF accredited Pleiade School (ACSTH).

I am an advocate and practitioner of the idea of continuous improvement – Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt.

You know what it means to run a business: to keep up with the latest in technology, to ensure that your team members work well together, that you have a competitive advantage, that you take advantage of market trends and avoid its pitfalls.

Surely, you’ve already done research or even classes on this, but sometimes you may need more – especially when you need to KNOW you’re doing the right thing..

This is where a business consultant simplifies your process and helps you to better manage it..

Do I need a business consultant?

Yes, because of the following benefits I provide can be useful:

Sună cunoscut… hai să vedem cum putem schimba asta!


A business consultant is your partner. Whether we’re talking about sales, marketing, planning, organizing or growing your business, I’m here to help you develop more skills, create better systems, and see their implementation through.

  • we develop how we face business challenges and what are the best decisions we can make
  • we focus on services that add value and help you generate long-term profits
  • we streamline business processes for a quality result

So what are the benefits
of working with a business consultant?


optimization of work





How do we measure the results of working with a business consultant?

Have you chosen to call on me and my business consulting services? Then you chose to invest strategically for your business – once we define what your goals are, I provide you with the expertise and perspective needed to achieve a new level of performance, increase competitive advantage and profitability.

How much time do you need?

We start with a FREE 20 minute session:

every moment is dedicated to identifying ways to improve and increase results.

These 20 minutes will convince you if I can help you.

The first
10 minutes:

10 minutes:

I see as an investment in our partnership

You like what you find out
– we proceed with the next 10 minutes

You don’t like what you find out – we stop

if the first 10 inspired you or made you see the added value to your business

Not convinced?

Get in touch anyway. Satisfy your curiosity to find out what a business consultant does. I guarantee that the first 10 minutes will pass almost instantly, and the next 10 will also seem too few.